Will there be boards in 2022 for Class 10? Is there any syllabus reduction for Class 10 2022? What is the syllabus for Class 10 CBSE 2022-2023? Check out this blog to find the answers!
Are you preparing for your 10th CBSE board exams in 2023-24? If yes, then there might be many confusions revolving around the class 10 syllabus for 2023-24, what measures are taken to prepare for the boards, and many more. The CBSE class 10 syllabus is released well in advance for the coming year.
The class 10 syllabus is released for subjects including Mathematics, Science, English Grammar, Social Science, Hindi, and English. The class 10 syllabus for 2023-24 can be downloaded from the official website in PDF format.
The board exams of class 10 for the year 2023-24 will be held at the end of the academic session.
A deep dive into knowing all about the CBSE class 10 syllabus.
Why Do You Need a Hold of Your Syllabus
For every class right from standard 1 to class 12 syllabus is prepared for the students. It is very important to know the syllabus, as it outlines the course details, learning goals, academic policies, grading policies, etc. This is the first-hand documentation that a student refers to understand the subjects, class schedules, due dates, etc. The syllabus is important:
● For teachers to organise the course structure
● For students to be ready for the class
● To complete assignments
● To convey the course content to students
● To manage time
How to Prepare for the Cbse Board Exams?
Board exams decide the future education journey of the students. The 10th board exam is the path to determine whether students want to opt for Medical, Engineering, Law, or higher studies. Today students have a variety of choices, but for this, it is important to clear their board exams.
It is not only important to study hard, but students should know how to work smart which would boost their performance. Below are a few best tips to prepare for the CBSE board exams:
1. List down all the important topics you want to study in each subject
1. Ensure that you are prepared once with all the topics
2. Prepare a schedule to cover all the important subjects like Math and Science every day within a time frame
3. Do not burden your mind with too many things. Plan the number of days with the subjects and the topics to be covered
4. Take short breaks in between and do something you like
5. Solving sample papers is very important
6. Get your doubts clarified and don’t wait till the last moment
7. Group study is a good way of revising and preparing
8. Try taking a few mock tests timing yourself to get a better hold on writing the exam within the stipulated time
Class 10 Syllabus Overview
Students preparing for the board exam should know the class 10 syllabus. Students should be aware of all the topics, the examination pattern, important details regarding the syllabus, etc. There are no changes in terms of class 10 reduced syllabus or increase in the syllabus. Like every year, the new session for 2023-24 starts in April or May 2022. Below is a chart on the class 10 syllabus overview:
Exam Name
Class 10th – CBSE
Conducting Body
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Frequency of Conduction
Once in an Academic year
Mode of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours
Question Paper Marks
100 marks (Theory marks + Internal Assessments)
Negative Marking
No Negative Marking
Competency-Based Questions would be minimum 40% These can be in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, Case-based Questions, Source-based Integrated Questions or any other types. Objective Type Questions will be 20% Remaining 40% short answer/long answer questions (as per existing pattern)
Official Website
Curriculum for Cbse Class 10 2023-24
The subjects offered in CBSE 10 are as follows:
Subjects of
Internal Assessment
Subject 1
Subject 2
Subject 3
Subject 4
Subject 5
Subject 6
Subject 7
Subject 8 and 9
Assessment and certification at school level
Names of the subjects
Language I (Hindi -Course A or Hindi -Course B or English Language and Literature )
Language II (Anyone from the Group of Languages (Group-L) other than the Language chosen as Subject 1)
Mathematics – Basic or Mathematics Standard
Social Science
Skill subject
Language III /Any subject other than opted above
Art Education
Health & Physical Education Work Experience*
Group- A1
Subject- Science
The following chart shows the class 10 syllabus for Science for 2023-24:
Chemical Substances-Nature and Behaviour
- Chemical Reactions
- Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Metals and Non-Metals
- Carbon Compounds
- Periodic Classification of Elements
World of Living
- Life Processes
- Reproductions
- Heredity and Evolution
Natural Phenomena
Reflection of Light and Laws
Effects of Current
- Effect of current
- Magnetic Effects of Current
Natural Resources
- Our Environment
- Management of Natural Resources
Subject- Maths
The following chart shows the class 10 syllabus for Mathematics for 2023-24:
Sr. No.
Number system
Real numbers
- Polynomials
- Quadratic Equations
- Pair of linear equations in two variables
- Arithmetic progressions
Coordinate Geometry
Lines [In two dimensions]
- Triangles
- Circles
- Constructions
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Heights and Distance
- Trigonometric Identities
- Areas related to circles
- Surface Areas and volumes
Statistics and Probability
Subject- Social Science
The following chart shows the class 10 syllabus for Social Science for 2023-24 that includes Geography, History, Economics, and Political Science. The class 10 syllabus for social science is referred to as term 2 and is as follows:
Learning Objectives
Section 1: Events and Processes
2. Nationalism in India
• The First World War, Khilafat and Non - Cooperation
• Differing Strands within the Movement
• Towards Civil Disobedience
• The Sense of Collective Belonging
• Recognize the characteristics of Indian nationalism through a case study of Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement.
• Analyze the nature of the diverse social movements of the time.
• Familiarize with the writings and ideas of different political groups and individuals.
• Appreciate the ideas promoting Pan Indian
Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies
3. The Making of a Global World
• The Pre-modern world
• The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
• The Inter war Economy
• Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era
• Show that globalization has a long history and points to the shifts within the process.
• Analyze the implication of globalization for local economies.
• Discuss how globalization is experienced differently by different social groups.
4. The Age of Industrialization
• Before the Industrial Revolution
• Hand Labour and Steam Power
• Industrialization in the colonies
• Factories Come Up
• The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth
• Market for Goods
• Familiarize with the Pro- to-Industrial phase and Early – factory system.
• Familiarize with the process of industrialization and its impact on the labour class.
• Enable them to understand industrialization in the colonies with reference to Textile industries.
Learning Objectives
5. Minerals and Energy Resources
• What is a mineral?
• Mode of occurrence of Minerals
• Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Minerals
• Non-Metallic Minerals
• Rock Minerals
• Conservation of Minerals
• Energy Resources
o Conventional and Non-Conventional
• Conservation of Energy Resources
• Identify different types of minerals and energy resources and places of their availability
• Feel the need for their judicious utilization
6. Manufacturing Industries
• Importance of manufacturing
• Contribution of Industry to National Economy
• Industrial Location
• Classification of Industries
• Spatial distribution
• Industrial pollution and environmental degradation
• Control of Environmental Degradation
• Bring out the importance of industries in the national economy as well as understand the regional disparities which resulted due to concentration of industries in some areas.
• Discuss the need for a planned industrial development and debate over the role of government towards sustainable development.
7. Life Lines of National Economy
• Transport – Roadways, Railways, Pipelines, Waterways, Airways
• Communication
• International Trade
• Tourism as a Trade
• Explain the importance of transport and communication in the ever-shrinking world.
• Understand the role of trade and tourism in the economic development of a country.
Learning Objectives
6. Political Parties
• Why do we need Political Parties?
• How many Parties should we have?
• National Political Parties
• State Parties
• Challenges to Political Parties
• How can Parties be reformed?
• Analyze party systems in democracies.
• Introduction to major political parties, challenges faced by them and reforms in the country.
7. Outcomes of Democracy
• How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?
• Accountable, responsive, and legitimate government
• Economic growth and development
• Reduction of inequality and poverty
• Accommodation of social diversity
• Dignity and freedom of the citizens
• Evaluate the functioning of democracies in comparison to alternative forms of governments.
• Understand the causes for the continuation of democracy in India.
• Distinguish between sources of strengths and weaknesses of Indian democracy.
Learning Objectives
3. Money and Credit
• Money as a medium of exchange
• Modern forms of money
• Loan activities of Banks
• Two different credit situations
• Terms of credit
• Formal sector credit in India
• Self Help Groups for the Poor
• Understand money as an economic concept.
• Understand the role of financial institutions from the point of view of day-to- day life.
4. Globalization and the Indian Economy
• Production across countries
• Interlinking production across countries
• Foreign Trade and integration of markets
• What is globalization?
• Factors that have enabled Globalization
• World Trade Organization
• Impact of Globalization on India
• The Struggle for a Fair Globalization
• Explain the working of the Global Economic phenomenon.
पाठ्यपुस्तक क्षितिज हिंदी भाग-2 व पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक कृतिका भाग – 2
• सूरदास
• तुलसीदास
• देव
• जयशंकर प्रसाद
• सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
• नागार्जुन
• गिरिजा कुमार माथुर
• ऋतुराज
• मंगलेश डबराल
• स्वयं प्रकाश
• रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
• यशपाल
• सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना
• मन्नू भंडारी
• महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी
• यतीन्द्र मिश्रा
• भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन
• माता का अँचल
• जॉर्ज पंचम की नाक
• एही ठैयाँ झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा!
• मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ ?
Reading Skills
Unseen passage with Multiple Type Questions
Writing Skills and Grammar
Ten multiple type questions of
- Tenses
- Modals
- Subject-verb concord
- Reported speech
- Commands and requests
- Statements
- Questions
- Determiners
Literature textbook and Supplementary Reading text
- First Flight
- Footprints Without Feet
With sheer determination, hardwork and a meticulous approach towards work, I, Yashika Harchandani, have successfully completed 10 years in the field of education. Well planning, efficient preparation and constant practice have helped boost my level of confidence. I have the potential of delivering meaningful and interesting lessons using innovative teaching strategies and methodologies. I believe in giving indepth and clear explanations including practical examples to suit the maturity level of the students. As a good teacher, I possess certain essential qualities as being friendly, outspoken, firm yet polite, flexible, possessing good communication skills, empathetic and considerate towards the needs of the children.